Monday, November 19, 2007

Notes during Science

Me: Did you just fall asleep ?

Zach: Yeah , for like two minutes . I even had a little dream ..

Me: lol , oh really ? what was it about ?

Zach: We were talking about what I was going to wear tomorrow .

Me: Are you sure that was a dream ?

Zach: We weren't talking about nationality day , just regular clothes ! I don't like dressing up for spirit week , otherwise I would be wearing pink slippers like you ..

Me: Well at least I look cute in pink *sticks out tongue*

see what happens when you have a boring science teacher ? you go and write notes to your friends .

The Audrey II plant comes in today . We're all excited , yet nervous that there will not be enough people there to help , if there isn't the trucker drives back .. with the she-plant !

Sunday, November 18, 2007

First post ever !

You know how you always need somebody to talk to .. besides your parents who always ask but you never say anything because , well , they're your parents ? Or how you just want to talk and talk and talk about your teenage life , but none of your friends want to listen .. or you could have no friends ? Well , hate to say it , THAT'S LIFE FOR YA' !
It's also basically why I created this blog . I mean , sure , there's always the dA journal , but , you know , that's for art stuff , not random stuff you want to talk about , such as how some crazy teachers think you can rehearse for a play , do other teachers homework , and still have time to do some giant essay in one day .. yep , I have one of those too ! I mean , doesn't everyone ?

So , yeah , check it out later , like tomorrow maybe , and then I'll have better stuff .

Type To Ya' Later !
